haha yea! i become the cyborg now! (biggest brain - its been really a long time since i last played. like mths back. )
hence climbing from rank 16th to no. 6 is no joke. i played many rounds since last night. haha!
i got really worried when my score was even lower than ranks behind me! lol. i admit that my brain had gone rusty after working my current job. sigh. lol.
NO! hahaa. so i play and play and play. and and, I realised my brain is more active after playing. hahaa. well, de secret is to FOCUS! sigh, i seldom use my brain now, and im lacking in FOCUS.
yea lor. so jus now i went to play again and i finallyflew from 16th to 6th. hahaa. i got a shock whne i got in 7th, because it seemed impossible to break de previous score.
woohoo. i know its lame haha. but at least, i know im using my brain. not doing brainless job like pulling the door, teaching the ppl to use cdm machines and asking the same old qn again and again.
you know, i feel im useless.
and i cant take it sometimes. haha. i was blog-hopping, something i seldom do or hate to do, and i saw many ex classmates studying university. and even those whose results are worse than mine are working towards their goal?
thats why i say, i hate to blog hop.
im so afraid of looking at other ppl's life and realising how meaningless my life is.
kinda sad. you know.
ignorance is bliss? or, we should face up to the reality and do something about it?
though i seem to be very talkative and all, the moments when I dont say actually say the most.