haha so many things to say!
1. i have just applied for SIM. im stunned too! its really a tough decision, torturing me for days and weeks. and finally yay! we made this decision. me and my best friend!! hope we can enter the same class!
2. father continues to nag like a woman. discourages me from studying SIM and wants me to stay in that meaningless job. Thank god im smart i just told him after i applied. Sometimes we jus cant be too honest about things. because i already knew his ans before i went to apply. and he still nags about reaching home at 11 plus pm. which is like very very irritating though i know he meant good.
3. i have a boyfriend! yay. ok i said that before hahah but i think only a handful knows about this so ya don get so upset when you got to know from my blog, friends!! haha jkjk.
4. hes really nice to me:) im so lucky to have him!
5. my godpa was admitted to the hospital days back and seriously i found myself a bit nervous when i was at the A&E answering the questions the staff asked. i kept repeating fever and stomache when he was asking whether does he cough or vomit. im glad hes ok already!! :)
6. my branch is top sales this month!! hahaha we really put in a lot of efforts. bad news is, they stop giving me commission! :(
haha been really busy happying tiring!
oh YA,
7. I have changed my sony eric to LG secret! hahah its really cheap!! :) $28!! i thought $100 is very cheap alrd but its less than that!! ahhaha.
im going to save up now, looking at the textbook's prices. one book = $100.
hahaa so yea no shopping for me!! hahaa.