21 oct 08
went for a drink with edna last night after dinner and caught the last train home. haha. we were lucky! my head is spinning until now. waking up at 720am this morning was quite a torture to me. lol.
EDNA!! :D 我们在趕时间。。 哈哈。
hahaa i was telling this surveyor that we were rushing for time at a very slow pace, and you know what we were practically strolling. HAHA.
i didnt realise it until edna told me. haahha. i was chasing the guy away la. hahaa. he was quite werid because he said we look like secondary sch students!! LOL. i was like, HUH. but edna was very high after that, she said he sort of made her happy. hahah!
and i cant believe that i went shopping on my own for nearly 2 hours. haha. thats so unlike me! lol. i think i can go shopping someday on my own. good thing or bad thing?
heyhey. its kodak time!
(my new shoes!! :))
hahaah poor qiudan got food poisoning!! and miraclously, we ate the same food and i was completely fine. i only had stomache. hahaa. i guess its the fruits because that was the only thing that was different from mine.
and my pocket was burnt that fateful day. calculated : $300++/- spending!
de morei say wanna save i ended up spending more how can that be -.-'