i miss my long hair! hahaa. thats the picture before i cut my hair to shoulder length.
met qiudan at bedok jus now the weather is super duper hot!! can kill really!! especially when u are wearing jeans!!! my legs were burning! hahaa it seemed that the sun rays would penetrate into de jeans.
finally had mee goreng at sega after so long! hahaa. suddenly missed those days. de trip to the library was a fruitful one, we found a lot of comedy love detective novels! hahaa. so happy. and we went to watson our favourite shopping corner HAHA. so funny la WATSONS. yes you see correctly. we would always spend at least 15 to 30mins in de store thinking of which to buy, it seems that we need everything in the store. lol. sometimes 1 hr!! hahaha if the store is bigger.
hahha. yea sometimes its the person whom you are shopping with makes the whole experience fun; it can even happen at watsons!! LOL.
im gg to write a list of hot places we can go to boyfriend! hahaa.